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We all know the dangers of smoking and even second hand smoke. 

You’ve probably also heard that sitting down all day, first at your desk and then on the couch, is bad for you. But do you know how bad?

A new study this year, the largest ever made in this field, has revealed a shocking truth.

Sitting too much day after day can rapidly age your body and lead to a host of health problems, even death.

In other words, it’s not hyperbole when people say “sitting is the new smoking”... it will actually age you faster.

Now a lot of people have a desk job that forces us to sit down for most of the day, so what can we do?

The good news is that the study also reveals a fairly easy way to combat the anti-aging effect of sitting down.

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Just 60 minutes of moderate exercise a day could be enough… that includes something as simple as a brisk walk.

When you’re sitting at your desk you should always take a break every hour, get up and move around for 5 minutes… even if just to grab a drink.

But try going for a nice walk in the morning before you sit down. Or if you’re stuck on a problem or experiencing writer’s block… you’ll be surprised how much a 20 min walk and some fresh air can help all the pieces fall into place.

You should also consider getting yourself a standing desk. A good adjustable sit/standup can be gotten for just a couple of hundred bucks at something like Ikea.

Probably a good investment in not getting old before your time!

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