Broccoli 1
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Broccoli belongs to the group of cruciferous vegetables and is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables, and if properly prepared, it can really be a tasty addition to any meal.

By consuming it, we get important nutrients, minerals, vitamins, plant fibers, and it is a low-calorie food with a low glycemic index of 10 (meaning that sugars are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream without a sudden jump, which is good for diabetics.

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It is an excellent source of vitamin K necessary for blood clotting, strong and healthy bones and teeth, vitamin C which strengthens our immunity and protects us from colds and flu, accelerates wound healing, vitamin A essential for maintaining normal vision and healthy and well-groomed skin. folate which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, while the mineral contains potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus.

In order to use as many nutrients from it as possible, it is best to eat it fresh or boil it briefly.

These are good reasons to eat these vegetables as often as possible!

Protects against cancer

Studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain active ingredients that fight cancer and reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, lungs, breast, and prostate.

Bring your line to perfection with the help of this food

As a low-calorie food, one cup of broccoli gives us 50 calories and a food rich in plant fiber 5 grams per cup is great for those who want to lose weight. Fiber improves digestion, prevents constipation, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood glucose levels and gives us a longer feeling of satiety after meals, which reduces the intake of unnecessary calories and contributes to healthy weight loss.

Prevents anemia

As a great source of iron and vitamin C, which improves iron absorption, this vegetable is an excellent fighter against anemia, accompanied by fatigue and exhaustion.

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Regulates blood sugar levels

Studies have shown that consuming foods rich in fiber, including broccoli, is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Fiber increases satiety after meals and slows the absorption of carbohydrates from the intestines, preventing a sudden spike in blood sugar, which stabilizes blood glucose.

The perfect source of antioxidants

Broccoli is a food rich in powerful antioxidants that eliminate free radicals, protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of many diseases such as cardiovascular, neurological and cancer.

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