Broccoli belongs to the group of cruciferous vegetables and is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables, and if properly prepared, it can really be a tasty addition to any meal.
Cucumber in Latin Cucumis sativus belongs to the group of fruitful vegetables and is extremely rich in nutrients, important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that make it a very medicinal food.
The tomato scientifically known as Solanum Lycopersicum belongs to the group of fruit-bearing vegetables. As a fresh ingredient, it is an excellent salad ingredient, while with its pasteurization we get delicious products such as juice, concentrate, peeled tomato, which go well with pasta.
We understand why Brussels sprouts top the list of detested vegetables for many people. When they are large, old, or overcooked, they tend to have an obnoxious, barnyardy flavor that some people are sensitive to whereas others are not.