It is said that a glass of red wine a day is good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. However, that is only one of the magical effects of this divine potion.
The nutritional and vitamin properties of kiwi have been known for a long time, and green tea is a very strong antioxidant, so it is clear to you how powerful this combination is and how good it does for the body.
Lentils, a legume that lowers cholesterol, prevents constipation, helps with anemia, protects the heart, is a perfect source of protein for vegans and vegetarians and good food for pregnant women.
This is a classic Vietnamese Stuffed Bitter Melon Soup made with fresh bitter melons and a deliciously springy filling. We know, it's bitter, but it's good for your health.
We understand why Brussels sprouts top the list of detested vegetables for many people. When they are large, old, or overcooked, they tend to have an obnoxious, barnyardy flavor that some people are sensitive to whereas others are not.